Google, Baidu and the race for an edge in the global speech recognition market

Google, Baidu and the race for an edge in the global speech recognition market

Daniel Faggella Crunch Network Contributor Daniel Faggella is founder of TechEmergence, a news and advice website for entrepreneurs and investors interested in the intersection of technology and the mind. More posts by this contributor: How to join the network Speech recognition technology has been around for more than half a decade, though the early uses […]

Apps as anime characters

Apps as anime characters

 What would software programs look like if they were people? Artist Reef1600 dreamed up these awesome personifications and let us share them with you. Check out his art, buy his work on Gumroad, and click/scroll through to see the rest: Read More Source link

How activist DeRay Mckesson’s Twitter account was hacked

How activist DeRay Mckesson’s Twitter account was hacked

Even though several huge data breaches have recently exposed hundreds of millions of social media login credentials online, users aren’t re-setting their passwords — which means you’ll probably continue to see celebrities’ social media accounts getting hijacked. Racial justice activist DeRay Mckesson became the most recent example of a high-profile account breach this morning, when his Twitter […]

Tesla’s weird week

Tesla’s weird week

It’s been a weird few days for Tesla. In a span of just 72 hours the Model S was accused of having major suspension issues, the NHTSA supposedly got involved, Tesla explained that there is nothing wrong and the NHTSA isn’t actually investigating the issue, and Elon Musk tweeted that the whole thing was a giant conspiracy. Woah. […]

The PlayStation 4 ‘Neo’ is real, but Sony won’t show it at E3

The PlayStation 4 ‘Neo’ is real, but Sony won’t show it at E3

In an interview with the Financial Times, Sony Interactive Entertainment president and global chief executive Andrew House confirmed that the PlayStation 4 ‘Neo’ is real. But don’t expect to see it next week at the E3 conference in Los Angeles. House has said Sony doesn’t plan to unveil it at E3. Rumors of a more powerful PlayStation 4 codenamed […]

NSA finally admits why it couldn't hack San Bernardino shooter's iPhone

NSA finally admits why it couldn't hack San Bernardino shooter's iPhone

(Image: CNET/CBS Interactive) It can tap undersea fiber optic cables, force leading technology giants to turn over a limitless supply of user data, and listen in on the phone calls of every person in the Bahamas — and more. Yet when it comes to cracking into an iPhone 5c, the National Security Agency was stumped. […]

Man Revisits Iconic Film Locations in Fun ‘Then and Now’ Photo Series

Man Revisits Iconic Film Locations in Fun ‘Then and Now’ Photo Series

I just got back from a trip to Yellowstone National Park to test out the Nikon D500, Nikon D5, and Pentax K-1 DSLRs and I wanted to share my experience, specifically my frustrations with visiting and photographing this amazing location, which has been my top spot for many years for photographing both wildlife and landscapes. […]

The future of the IoT job market

The future of the IoT job market

Since the dawn of technology, we’ve been afraid of technology eliminating our jobs. Look at the birth of the steam engine. When it was invented in the late 1700s, people believed its arrival signaled the end of manual labor and thousands of hardworking individuals would be out of jobs. Instead, the steam engine created completely […]

The quest to cure loneliness

The quest to cure loneliness

Foursquare, Google Latitude and Facebook Nearby Friends failed to change the way we all meet up. That’s because intent, not location, is the most important thing when connecting people offline. If we want to meet up for food, coffee, drinks, the gym, a party or just to chill, it’s tough to know who else does too. […]

Up close and hands-on with Lenovo’s augmented reality Tango phone

Up close and hands-on with Lenovo’s augmented reality Tango phone

Lenovo Tech World 2016 Recap Earlier today, Lenovo unveiled the world’s first smartphone fueled by Google’s Project Tango (or just “Tango,” as it’s now known) computer vision efforts. The big new thing? Really, really awesome augmented reality capabilities, all based on the phone’s ability to recognize what’s around it. Think video games that come to […]