By admin on May 21, 2018
A Georgia mother is filing a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against a local photographer’s photo company, accusing it of publishing an indecent photo of her 15-year-old daughter at a school dance. The Associated Press reports that the Cady Studios had been hired to photograph the North Cobb High School homecoming dance in September 2017, which the girl […]
By admin on May 20, 2018
Here’s a 16-minute video in which Kai Wong shares his latest list of the 5 best full frame lenses worth investing in if you’re a Nikon DSLR shooter. Here’s the list of Wong’s picks (watch the video to hear his intro and explanation for each choice): #1. Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 FL — $4,000 #2. Nikon […]
By admin on May 19, 2018
In the 1950s, early color photography was widely scorned. Now it’s the default. What happened? Black and white, meet color. A composite made from one of the earliest, impractical color photos. Prologue: No Space for Dreams In 2015, Leica released a beautiful, ridiculous ad. It was for a special product in their lineup; a digital […]
By admin on May 18, 2018
For his project “Below the Breaking Wave,” UK photographer Matt Porteous of Studio_M visited The Maldives in the Indian ocean and shot underwater photos directly beneath powerful breaking waves. The results are stunning. “I’ve always had a fascination with our world below the breaking waves,” Porteous writes. “To me, it symbolizes the world that we […]
By admin on May 17, 2018
When I first started on my journey of learning my way around Photoshop I was a full-on Apple product fanboy, it just seemed like every creative was using an Apple machine and that I should do the same. Once I went full-time, I realized that I could build myself a PC that would be much […]
By admin on May 16, 2018
Wedding photographer Taylor Jackson made this inspiring 23-minute video showing how he shot a wedding day from start to finish, as seen from his point of view. Starting from the bridal party’s preparations to shooting portraits of the newly-married couple after the reception, Jackson shares behind-the-scenes footage, his resulting photos, and his commentary throughout. You […]
By admin on May 15, 2018
Fujifilm has just announced the new Instax Square SQ6, the world’s first analog square-format Instax camera. Fujifilm announced the square-format SQ10 camera in 2017, but that’s a hybrid camera that can create both digital images as well as square-format instant photos. The new SQ6 does away with the digital side of things and is purely […]
By admin on May 14, 2018
Photographer and Formula 1 fan Tim Binnion recently attended the 2018 Chinese Grand Prix in Shanghai. In addition to shooting the race with his Nikon DSLR, Binnion also decided to document it with a 0.016-megapixel Game Boy Camera from 1998… and the results are pretty awesome. “To my knowledge, no one has ever shot motorsports […]
By admin on May 13, 2018
We’ve got a fun article today in which we post-process photojournalistic-style photos and polish them in an artistic way. Much like Steve McCurry did to his photos, but without the heaping pile of backlash. If we’re not using our street or travel photos for photojournalism or to represent things exactly how they are, we are […]
By admin on May 12, 2018
There are about 1,200 moving parts inside a Leica M rangefinder. In this 3.5-minute video, Tamarkin Camera in Chicago disassembles a Leica M give show what goes on inside the famous red dot cameras. Still frame from video by Tamarkin Camera. You can find more of Tamarkin Camera’s videos on its YouTube channel. Source link