By admin on April 6, 2017
As camera makers struggle to innovate, consumers are finding little need to upgrade. The market is slowing to the point of inertia—manufacturers need to take a left field approach to stay competitive. At least once per month, we hear about someone else—a photographer, photo shoot subject, sometimes just kids messing around—who was struck and killed […]
By admin on April 5, 2017
As camera makers struggle to innovate, consumers are finding little need to upgrade. The market is slowing to the point of inertia—manufacturers need to take a left field approach to stay competitive. In February, Nikon—the world’s second-biggest camera manufacturer by market share—published a notice of “recognition of extraordinary loss.” The statement admitted that, over the […]
By admin on April 4, 2017
Compared to the previous administration, President Donald Trump’s White House has been fairly anti-photography. But today, we get to see another official portrait from the Trump Administration: First Lady Melania Trump’s official White House portrait. The World Press Photo Awards isn’t the only prestigious photo competition that experienced controversy this year: the 2017 Sony World […]
By admin on April 3, 2017
We hear everyone in the photography industry talking about image quality, image quality, image quality. We especially hear about this in any circle of people chatting (or writing) about night photography. Conversations (and books, articles and blog posts) are rife with opinions and advice about how to push the limits of our cameras and lenses […]
By admin on April 2, 2017
The World Press Photo Awards isn’t the only prestigious photo competition that experienced controversy this year: the 2017 Sony World Photography Awards received at least one complaint of plagiarism by a photo selected for the Open competition shortlist. When the shortlist galleries were picked and announced from 105,000 entries in late February, one of the […]
By admin on April 1, 2017
Five years after beginning its very long journey, NASA’s Juno spacecraft has beamed back photos of Jupiter’s poles for the first time… and they’re stunning. Juno, which is as large as a basketball court, travelled 415 million miles over the last 5 years to send us a first look at the extremities of the gas […]
By admin on March 22, 2017
The folks at National Geographic just did a solid favor for all the adventurous outdoor photographers out there. They put every US Geological Survey (USGS) topographical map from across the United States on one easy-to-navigate site and made them easy to print out at home. Jane Seo, a professional food blogger, dashed through the finish […]
By admin on March 21, 2017
Is the most egalitarian form of photography, ‘street photography’, being destroyed by its own popularity? Is such a thing even possible? I won’t profess to have a clear answer to this question, but I do have some thoughts. Those thoughts may turn into a rant, but I’ll try to contain myself! Egalitarian = good, right? […]
By admin on March 20, 2017
There’s a new viral photo going around that shows what happened when a generous gesture turned into a heartwarming photo fail. Quick history lesson. The original Lamborhini motor vehicle wasn’t the supercar you know today. They were tractors. Yes, tractors. Full-fledged farm-going vehicular tools. When we talk about the Shutter Speed in photography, the first […]
By admin on March 19, 2017
When we talk about the Shutter Speed in photography, the first thing that comes to mind is its relationship to Exposure. Shutter speed is an essential part of Exposure Triangle (Aperture, ISO, Shutter Speed) and it helps photographers to get perfectly exposed photos. On Wednesday night, a developing story kept popping up on my feed […]