
Facebook plans to let everyone unsend messages, will stop Zuckerberg until then

Facebook plans to let everyone unsend messages, will stop Zuckerberg until then

Facebook retracted his chats, and is now trying to normalize the behavior TechCrunch reported last night that Facebook retracted Facebook messages sent by Mark Zuckerberg and other executives from their recipients’ inboxes. That’s an ability normal Facebook users don’t have. But now Facebook tells me it plans to make an “unsend” feature available to all […]

Facebook demands ID verification for big Pages, ‘issue’ ad buyers

Facebook demands ID verification for big Pages, ‘issue’ ad buyers

Facebook is looking to self-police by implementing parts of the proposed Honest Ads Act before the government tries to regulate it. To fight fake news and election interference, Facebook will require the admins of popular Facebook Pages and advertisers buying political or “issue” ads on “debated topics of national legislative importance” like education or abortion […]

Facebook retracted Zuckerberg’s messages from recipients’ inboxes

Facebook retracted Zuckerberg’s messages from recipients’ inboxes

Facebook says it was for security, but is it a breach of user trust? Josh Constine @ / 14 hours You can’t remove Facebook messages from the inboxes of people you sent them to, but Facebook did that for Mark Zuckerberg and other executives. Three sources confirm to TechCrunch that old Facebook messages they received […]

Australia latest to open probe into Facebook data scandal

Australia latest to open probe into Facebook data scandal

Australia’s privacy watchdog has opened an investigation into Facebook in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica data misuse scandal. Yesterday Facebook revealed that more users than previously thought could have had their personal information passed to the company back in 2014 — saying as many as 87 million Facebook users could have had their data “improperly […]

Facebook reveals Russian troll content, shuts down 135 IRA accounts

Facebook reveals Russian troll content, shuts down 135 IRA accounts

Facebook is showing an unprecedented level of transparency around its latest effort to suspend Russian trolls trying to influence elections and mislead the public as it tries to regain the trust of users and the government. The company shared both stats about the account deletions and samples of the content they shared. Facebook has removed […]

Instagram suddenly chokes off developers as Facebook chases privacy

Instagram suddenly chokes off developers as Facebook chases privacy

Without warning, Instagram has broken many of the unofficial apps built on its platform. This weekend it surprised developers with a massive reduction in how much data they can pull from the Instagram API, shrinking the API limit from 5,000 to 200 calls per user per hour. Apps that help people figure out if their […]

Another chapter on Facebook’s privacy woes is being written in Latin America

Another chapter on Facebook’s privacy woes is being written in Latin America

Felicitas Carrique Contributor Felicitas Carrique is an Argentinian reporter focused on media, technology, and innovation. The abuse of Facebook’s platform for political purposes is a problem that doesn’t stop at the U.S border. Governments around the world are continuing to wrestle with the implications of Cambridge Analytica’s acquisition of Facebook user data from the heart […]

Does Ready Player One reveal the future of VR?

Does Ready Player One reveal the future of VR?

Maggie Lane is a writer and producer of virtual reality experiences and covers the industry for various publications. It was barely minutes after the Ready Player One premiere, and texts from my friends and colleagues in the VR community began pouring in… “How was it?” Those of us in the mixed reality industries have been […]

Facebook hit with shareholder lawsuits over data misuse crisis

Facebook hit with shareholder lawsuits over data misuse crisis

The lawsuits are piling up against Facebook in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica data misuse and political ad targeting scandal. According to SF Gate the company has been hit with four suits in federal courts so far this week following fresh revelations about how Facebook’s app permissions were abused to surreptitiously suck out vast amounts […]

7 much scarier questions for Zuckerberg

7 much scarier questions for Zuckerberg

Did Cambridge Analytica attain other ill-gotten Facebook data? Could this be just the beginning of a much bigger Cambridge Analytica scandal for Facebook? The answer rides on how transparent Facebook is actually being right now. CEO Mark Zuckerberg just put forth a statement and plan to improve data privacy, but omitted some of the most […]

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