By admin on May 16, 2017
DeepMind’s inaugural data-sharing deal with the UK’s National Health Service looks to be coming firmly unstuck. The partnership attracted controversy last year, when the scope of the behind-the-scenes data-sharing was revealed by a New Scientist investigation. The personally identifiable health data of some 1.6 million NHS patients was used to develop an app for the early detection of a […]
By admin on May 15, 2017
At its Build developer conference in Seattle, Microsoft today announced Fluent Design, its design system for building user interfaces across devices. In many ways, the ideas behind Fluent resemble those of Google’s Material Design language. The main purpose here is to give developers access to a single design language that will work well across devices. […]
By admin on May 14, 2017
Google Maps has quietly rolled out a new feature that will make it easier for you to see where you need to go when using turn-by-turn navigation: integrated Street View images on the directions screen. While the app has always allowed you to see an overview of the upcoming turns and distance between them, the new feature […]
By admin on May 13, 2017
Hi! You are about to activate our Facebook Messenger news bot. Once subscribed, the bot will send you a digest of trending stories once a day. You can also customize the types of stories it sends you. Click on the button below to subscribe and wait for a new Facebook message from the TC Messenger […]
By admin on May 12, 2017
So let me just say really quick that I really dislike Bitmoji. Pretty much everything about it/them. The one thing that’s good about Bitmoji is that the user really can easily customize a representative avatar, which is good for inclusion, even if the results are universally terrible in every way. Fortunately Google has just blown […]
By admin on May 11, 2017
Tom Insel, the former head of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), has left his position at Google’s life sciences company Verily to found his own mental health startup, Mindstrong. First reported in Nature, the new startup will try to analyze a person’s mental health state using information on their smartphone. Note Verily is working on a […]
By admin on May 10, 2017
When you’re looking at moving into a new space, Street View is often a useful tool to get the general vibe of the area but it’s almost impossible to really tell what spaces look like indoors without physically being there. Today, users clicking through locations on Google Street View will start seeing quite a bit more houses and […]
By admin on May 9, 2017
The U.S. isn’t the only market where media companies are consolidating to offer an advertising platform to rival Facebook and Google. While AOL (which owns TechCrunch) is in the process of acquiring Yahoo, over in Malaysia a similar consolidation was announced this week — although not quite on the scale of AOL-Yahoo (Oath?!) and its $4.48 billion […]
By admin on May 8, 2017
People tend to think in terms of what they want but don’t have, as opposed to what they have and don’t need. This is poignantly clear in the world of video streaming services. Outright cutting the cord hasn’t trended as quickly as pundits predicted; instead, Netflix, Hulu, HBONow, Amazon Prime and the rest seem to […]
By admin on May 7, 2017
A new Google Docs phishing scam just reared its head a few hours ago, and it’s spreading like wildfire. Google appears to be taking action to stop it, but in the meantime: be super, super wary of Google Doc invites for now. If you fall for this one (and plenty of otherwise eagle-eyed people have […]