Twitter COO Anthony Noto has left the company, Twitter announced Tuesday. Noto’s leaving because he accepted a CEO role elsewhere, according to the release. Just last week, the WSJ reported that Noto was mulling the top executive job at finance startup SoFi, and indeed SoFi confirmed today that he’s joining effective March 1.
Regarding Noto’s Twitter departure, CEO Jack Dorsey expressed respect and appreciate for the departing executive’s work at the social network, and sadness at his leaving.
Noto’s role will be filled by “other members of Twitter’s leadership team,” according to the company, which makes it sound like there are no immediate plans to name a new COO in his stead.
Prior to joining Twitter, Noto acted as a managing director of Goldman Sachs, and also as CFO of the NFL. He jointed Twitter in 2014 under then-CEO Dick Costolo, and has been cited as one of Twitter’s most important executives by many company observers.
SoFi lost its previous CEO, Mike Cagney, late last year, as he was pushed out following sexual harassment allegations. Noto will take over leadership of the load refinancing startup from interim CEO Tom Hutton when he starts in March.